RO 21-918450
Orig. Adrian Manole
Loc 5 AS 4 etape OLR Suprem 21
Loc 4 Semifinala
Loc 18 HS 3
Loc 18 HS 2
Loc 38 HS 1
Frate cu: 918451/21
Loc 50 Semif OLR RCL
Loc 244 HS 6
Loc 114 HS 5
Loc 294 HS 4
Loc 453 HS 3
Loc 433 HS 2
Nu este de vânzare
RO 21-918450
Orig. Adrian Manole
Loc 5 AS 4 etape OLR Suprem 21
Loc 4 Semifinala
Loc 18 HS 3
Loc 18 HS 2
Loc 38 HS 1
Frate cu: 918451/21
Loc 50 Semif OLR RCL
Loc 244 HS 6
Loc 114 HS 5
Loc 294 HS 4
Loc 453 HS 3
Loc 433 HS 2
Post 725
Orig Postelnicu Mihai
Tata la:
Loc 5 AS 4 etape OLR Suprem 21
Loc 4 Semifinala
Loc 18 HS 3
Loc 18 HS 2
Loc 38 HS 1
Loc 50 Semif OLR RCL
Loc 244 HS 6
Loc 114 HS 5
Loc 294 HS 4
Loc 453 HS 3
Loc 433 HS 2
Orig. Alin Muceanu
Mama lui:
Loc 5 AS 4 etape OLR Suprem 21
Loc 4 Semifinala
Loc 18 HS 3
Loc 18 HS 2
Loc 38 HS 1
Loc 50 Semif OLR RCL
Loc 244 HS 6
Loc 114 HS 5
Loc 294 HS 4
Loc 453 HS 3
Loc 433 HS 2
RO 18-1038415
Alfa Beauty
Orig Cristi Stan
Dark Grizzle
Orig Cristi Stan
Dark GrizzleFull Sister :
1st Ace Pigeon 2013
1st 720KM/6819p
2nd Nikolaev 585km/615p
2nd Husi Derby pui 2015
NL 13-1889572
NJ Koenders
NJ Koenders
Morlincou 4/209
Meaux 25/973
Asse zeli 536/8272
St. Quenti 454/4738
DE 070
Orig. Matei & Ploscaru
Orig. Matei & Ploscaru
Supreme blood genes of two of the most expensive lines of the moment in the world 'olympic rosita' 1e olympiad acebird 12 mother to 'kittel' 1e national kbdb speed 2013 'greipel' 1e nat. champion speed
RO 12-2347806
Alfa Male
Orig Cristi Stan
father of:
1st ace pigeon OLR aropi de curcubeu 2013
5th final 510km
7th=1st semifinal 340km
2nd HS 4
1st Apostolov 720km 6819p
2nd Nikolaev 585km 615p
2nd Husi Derby pui 2015
29 semifinal BS OLR 2017
D 14-4939-951
Dark Pearl
Orig. Thorsten Daum
50% Hebberecht
Mother to:
520731/2016 F
3rd Medyka 600km 1179p
5th Medyka 600km 3082p
Sister to "950"
16th final 510km OLR Black Sea 2014
NL 10-1368134
NJ Koenders
Blauwband witpen
father of best Youngster 2012 regio 4 afdeling 8
Moeskroen 24/7481
Breuil le 7/1169
Moeskroen 12/1740
Mantes la 7/886
Perrone 47/5483
NL 12-1321298
M Brundel
2e Nationale Asduif jong 2012
3e Nationaal Peronne 6668 duiven
5e Nat. Mant. 1 Jolie 3922 duiven
140e Nat. Morlincourt 4845 duiven
BE 15-6030149
Florea Sorin
Pencilpied 1/2 brother tol
';ro 16-16-0005479'' 1e 8.748 p 388 km
& 338 lofts imbreed topbreeder ''wittekop silvester'' basic breeder Geerinckx
DV 16-01777-494
Zg helios supreme inbreed to
''olympic Rosita''1e olympiad acebird 12
1e prov. aceb. kbdb speed
1e nat. aceb. superduif mother to
''kittel'' 1 national kbdb speed 2013
1e nat. champion speed